The Simon and Ethel Flegg Award and Lecture The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Flegg Lecture and Award for the Understanding and Acceptance within the Jewish World.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem announces the establishment of an annual Flegg Award and Lecture promoting understanding, acceptance and cooperation between different segments in the contemporary Jewish world. This prestigious award has been established to recognize outstanding achievements in the study and/or promotion of understanding between different factions within Judaism.

The choice of the recipient of the Flegg Award and all the arrangements related to the Lecture, like publicity, publication and related events will be administered by the Rector's office. The selection committee will be chaired by the Rector. Among its members will be the Head of the Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies and the Head of Scholion (a research institute devoted to the study of Jewish heritage).

The committee will actively solicit nominations for the recipient of the Flegg Award through international publicity and by requesting nominations from prominent academics and outstanding public figures in Israel and outside of Israel.

The individual chosen as the recipient of the Flegg Award will receive an honorarium of $5,000 and be the guest of the Hebrew University for a period of at least one week, during which time he/she will deliver a formal public lecture (open to the academic and non-academic communities) and will also offer at least one smaller academic lecture or seminar. The Flegg Public Lecture will be chaired by the Hebrew University's President or Rector (or a suitable replacement chosen by them) and, at this event, the Chair of the Lecture will read a statement of the reasons that led the committee to choose the recipient of the Flegg Award, including a brief summary of his/her achievements.

The Hebrew University will publicize the Flegg Public Lecture as widely as possible within the University, in the press and in electronic media. The same publicity will be given to the recipient of the Flegg Award.

The Hebrew University will cover the expenses to fly the Flegg Lecturer to Israel (if the recipient is not a resident of Israel) and will also provide hotel accommodation and a per diem for the Lecturer. A budget will also be made available to allow travel in Israel by the Flegg Lecturer during his/her stay in the country and to fund all the additional events.

Following the Flegg Public Lecture, the Hebrew University will hold a reception for the recipient and the attendees of the Lecture. In addition, during the Lecturers stay, at least one dinner will be held in his/her honor.

Shortly after the occasion of each years Flegg Public Lecture, a written copy and a video recording of the Lecture will be displayed and made available for downloading on the Hebrew University's website and on the internationally most popular websites (like Youtube, Hebrew University's site in Facebook, etc…). A bound printed version of every lecture will be disseminated among individuals and cultural and educational institutions throughout the Jewish world.